At Can Ros we sure are beef experts. Beef meat, is without a doubt, one of the most appreciated and valued meats of all. Rich in Vitamin E, protein and minerals like calcium. phosphorous and magnesium.
Beef meat is one of the most appreciated and valued meats of all. Whether if you prefer are more traditional cut or opt for specialized cuts, like the Argentinian ones that are perfect for a good “Asado” (BBQ), entraña, churrasco, vacío. At Can Ros you’ll also find matured meats. This meat has undergone a slow curing process. It’s an ancient, documented practice that is booming and many connoisseurs prefer its savour. And it’s no wonder, since this meat concentrates all its flavours and juiciness, it’s mellow to cut and deliciously tasty. The best way to cook it? Is just on the grill with little seasoning to experience this delicacy.
At our butcher’s we select the best national beef, native breeds from the Dehesa of Estremadura, the Catalan Pyrenees or the Galician Rubia. Slow growing animals, raised outdoors and fed with the best pastures give rise to a meat with flavour, texture and perfect marbling.
Can Ros es sinónimo de carnes de calidad, embutidos ibicencos y los mejores productos gourmet. En la carnicería encontrarás carnes que provienen de ganaderos y pequeños productores que garantizan el mejor sabor y el respeto por la materia prima. Sobrasada y butifarra de Ibiza hecha de forma artesanal en nuestra fábrica de embutidos artesanales. Una tienda con sabor tradicional y familiar en el barrio de Can Bellotera.